

- what is metaman?
- metaman is a sketch mate.

metaman was born in the army, without any particular training.
initially as a joke; becoming a habit; ending up a necessity.
he is grumpy all the time and has an opinion for everything.

sometimes in the first person, sometimes in the third person, on comic
strips and lately on a single lonely sketch, following the traditions
of cartoonists, his ambition is to say what he's thinking without
counting words.

recently he took up English and hangs out with a couple of glasses.

his secret desire is to become published, whilst keeping his integrity.

6.28.2012 occupied metaman


6.30.2012 impⒶtient metaman



7.01.2012 metableeding



7.12.2012 ego-μεταμαν



7.13.2012 #solidarity with the spanish miners #spain


7.29.2012 #syria people #solidarity μέταμαν


  8.02.2012 job half done #1

8.05.2012 job half done #2

8.12.2012 job half done #3


8.13.2012 μεταμαν gap


9.16.2012 egoman

9.23.2012 job half done #4




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